Extreme Appreciation | The Gratitude Loop

Описание к видео Extreme Appreciation | The Gratitude Loop

Join Scott Johnson, Founder of Motivosity, as he delves into the transformative power of extreme appreciation and the gratitude loop. Discover the background of WorkFront and Motivosity, and explore the testing of assumptions regarding the effectiveness of awards in driving motivation.

Uncover the profound impact of gratitude on individual well-being, including physical, psychological, and social benefits. Learn how gratitude evolves from inward acknowledgment to outward recognition, and explore strategies for developing a culture of gratitude within organizations.

Explore the concept of happy employees working better together and producing superior outcomes through constant exposure to gratitude. Dive into the Gratitude Cycle, where giving, receiving, and observing expressions of gratitude create a positive feedback loop.

Gain insights into practical ways to foster gratitude within teams and avoid common pitfalls that can ruin the magic of the gratitude cycle. Start your journey towards building a culture of extreme appreciation and reaping the rewards of enhanced collaboration, team unity, and individual well-being.

Join us for this enlightening discussion on gratitude, motivation, and the secrets to creating a thriving workplace environment.

About Us:
Find ways to constantly engage your employees with Motivosity! Everyone wants to be happy at work! Help show your appreciation and that every thanks matters!

Motivosity is an Employee Recognition Software company dedicated to helping any and all companies! Learn more about Motivosity at https://www.motivosity.com/.

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