Pregnant After 2,5 Years of trying? *EMOTIONAL*

Описание к видео Pregnant After 2,5 Years of trying? *EMOTIONAL*

We have been trying to get pregnant with a sibling for our son for 2 years and 9 months now, and this is one of the few times it has been feeling that much as if I’m pregnant that we decided to take a test… I thought to share this very personal experience with you, since I know that many people out there are trying to get pregnant, but not getting to see that longed for positive test. How do you deal with that? How does others deal with that? What thoughts or feelings does it create?
This is our experience, and I pray that it can be of comfort or help for someone else going through something like this.

If you are facing a similar situation and would like me to pray for you, feel free to write that💕 And also dont be shy from telling us a bit about your situation (but only if you want❤️), I’m sure more people here would like to pray for you too 🙏


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