TRLE Return to Aldwych Full Walkthrough

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TRLE Return to Aldwych Full Walkthrough
Level by: mathew9r

Key Items 🔑
Weapons 🔫
Levels 🔴
Artifcats 🗿

00:00 - 🔴 Level 1 - Aldwych Sewers
00:35 - ✨ Secret 1 - Shotgun
01:05 - 🔑 Crowbar
16:58 -🔑 ???
17:30 - 🔫 HK
18:21 - ✨ Secret 2 - Revolver
22:34 - ✨ Secret 3 - Uzis
23:09 - ✨ Secret 4
27:08 - ✨ Secret 5
30:35 - ✨ Secret 6 - Rocket Launcher

32:00 - 🔴 Level 2 - Aldwych Underground
33:19 - ✨ Secret 7
35:10 - ✨ Secret 8
41:40 - ✨ Gate Key (Dropped by enemy)
43:07 - ✨ Secret 9 - Grenade Launcher
45:10 - 🔑 Bore Room Key
48:40 - ✨ Secret 10 - Uzis

49:31 - 🔴 Level 3 - Ancient City
50:05 - ✨ Secret 11 - Shotgun
53:04 - ✨ Secret 12
54:33 - 🔑 Rusted Gate Key (Dropped by enemy)
56:18 - 🔑 Rusted Gate Key Dropped by enemy)
58:55 - 🔫 LaserSight & Revolver
59:58 - ✨ Secret 13
1:03:19 - ✨ Secret 14 - Rocket Launcher (timed run unlocked by pressing 1:02:34)
1:08:25 - ✨ Secret 15
1:11:40 - 🗿 Eye of Dragnoth
1:12:14 - 🔑 Sticks of Dynamite

Story: Few days later Lara went to start the expedition but discovered that the now abandoned Aldwych station was swarming with Lara has to find another way down to the station...and this is where the adventure begins.

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