DIY: How to Make a Cat Cone (neuter surgery recovery)

Описание к видео DIY: How to Make a Cat Cone (neuter surgery recovery)

After we neutered Bandit he had to wear a cone to prevent licking and infecting the area.

We saved the cloth one used 7yrs ago when we rescued Naz, but Bandits head was too large. We borrowed a small cone from my sister, she used it on her small dogs. But it was too large for Bandits head.🤦‍♀️

So instead of spending more money, we decided to try making a DIY CAT CONE. We figured that if it didn't work, we could always head out to the pet store.

Here is our video on the process, start to finish. We also included some tips. Enjoy!

Please feel free to share any tips, ideas or questions in the comments.

We give this cat cone 😻😻😻😻 4 out 5 paws up. Bandit took one paw off because he didn't want to wear it anymore by the 3rd day. LOL

***update ****Some folks mentioned that their cat is very adamant about not wearing the paper plate and is able to rip, tear or shred the plate. Here are some other suggestions:
1. Use a plastic plate 2. Use a foam plate. 3. Use a low/wide instant noodle soup bowl

Thank you for your comments and messages. Once we are able to find these items we will post another video showing how to use them to create the cat cone.

Thanks for viewing our video! Thanks for your support in subscribing! We hope your kitty recovers soon!


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