FIRST DAY OF SEMESTER 2 | Nightingale College BSN

Описание к видео FIRST DAY OF SEMESTER 2 | Nightingale College BSN

Hi everyone!

If I didn't say it enough in the video lol happy first day of the semester whether it' soyur first, second, third etc.! I wanted to quickly share what I do at the beginning of each semester to get myself organized and prepared. This has helped decrease my anxiety and focus on prioritizing my assignments. NOW it doesn't always go the way as I plan when life happens but getting into a routine is a great habit to start practicing! If you end up doing the same let me know if it works for you too!

As always thank you for supporting this channel in any way and my journey to nursing! I appreciate each and every one of ya! Lastly, HAPPY NURSES WEEK!!!

- Jennalyn ♥

IG: student_jenn


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