Adorable Baby Husky Walks His Dog And Feeds His Goats! (So Cute!!)

Описание к видео Adorable Baby Husky Walks His Dog And Feeds His Goats! (So Cute!!)

Niko is so good on the lead when it comes to Nathan or Amelia, she definitely has a soft spot for them. Phil didn't care who put him on a lead he had to be pulling them, that's why he was always off, he was such a friendly happy dog it didn't matter! Nathan loves his little suit which was actually Amelia's and he now fits it. He loves his scraggly puff goats too who we gave a trim after this video. Just the back legs to get the matting out, it's very hard to convince them to stay still! The weather has been amazing of recent so making the most of it as usual! Nathan looks uber cute in his onesie doesn't he!


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