Statistical Methods Series: Hidden Markov Models

Описание к видео Statistical Methods Series: Hidden Markov Models

Vianey Leos Barajas presented on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) on May 2, 2022 for the “Statistical Methods” webinar series.
This series is hosted by the Ecological Forecasting Initiative and the ESA Statistical Ecology Section. Details about the seminar series and links to the resources Dr. Leos Barajas shared can be found at:
The R code used in the presentation is available at:
Papers that were shared during the webinar include:
- Pohle, J., Langrock, R., van Beest, F.M. et al. Selecting the Number of States in Hidden Markov Models: Pragmatic Solutions Illustrated Using Animal Movement. JABES 22, 270–293 (2017).
- Valle, D.; Jameel, Y.; Betancourt, B.; Azeria, E.; Attias, N.; Cullen, J. 2022. Automatic selection of number of clusters using Bayesian clustering and sparsity inducing priors. Ecological Applications, 32:e2524. https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wil...
- Cullen, J. A., Poli, C. L., Fletcher, R. J., & Valle, D. (2022). Identifying latent behavioural states in animal movement with M4, a nonparametric Bayesian method. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13, 432– 446.


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