How Japanese Minimalism Changed My Life: 5 Principles to Declutter Your Life

Описание к видео How Japanese Minimalism Changed My Life: 5 Principles to Declutter Your Life

When there is too much clutter, you can't think. When you can't think, you can't create. When you can't create, your world slows down. What if we only filled our lives with things that had real value and removed everything else.

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Who am I:

My name is Zach. I’m a Resident Physician in Boston. I make videos about medical school, studying, and growth. I love trying new things and often mess up. However, every time I screw up, I usually learn something. Whatever I learn, I post it either on YouTube or on my website 🌐 (​​).

I write a weekly newsletter 💌 (​​) linking the best things I read, watched, and listened to that week. Join the 4,000+ that read it every other Sunday morning.

The Gear I Use to film videos:…​​

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