Sasquatch Chronicles ft. by Les Stroud | Season 4 | Episode 12 | It s a Boo La Boo La

Описание к видео Sasquatch Chronicles ft. by Les Stroud | Season 4 | Episode 12 | It s a Boo La Boo La

"*Please note: This episode has previously aired on the Sasquatch Chronicles podcast as Episode 804, and is being featured with express permission*

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Tonight I will be speaking to two guest. Dylan, who was in GA for a visit, got into an argument with his girlfriend and decided to take a walk in the woods to clear his head, and ran into a creature he did not think existed.

We will also be speaking to Ed who had an encounter in 1977 while hunting in California.

Ed writes “It all started on a Friday night in October 1977. This was the Deer Hunting rifle season in the central Sierras of California know as the “D” zone. My friend and I both 17 had gotten a late start and we arrived at the town of Arnold on Hwy 4 about 1030 pm. We took the road north/east past White Pines Lake. Once past the lake the paved road turns into a two lane dirt road...

I was driving my dad’s 1962 Ford ¾ ton long bed truck. It was also one heavy beast of a truck made out of real metal. That will mean more later on.

So, we are driving generally north on this dirt road and it was getting on past 11pm now. We were tired and were impatient to find a place to sleep before getting up early to hunt. I spotted a turn out or wide spot where we could park. I abruptly crossed over the center of the road and parked facing the wrong way. Young pine trees lined the edge of the road making tree hedge of sorts. I gave myself just enough room between the truck and the trees so I could open my door...

It was a full moon and nice weather so we opted to just sleep in the bed of the truck. We closed the tailgate and laid out our bags with our heads facing the tailgate. Neither one of us even took the time to take our pants and socks off. My friend was on the drivers side of the bed and me on the passenger side. I was just getting settled in and looking at the night sky when we heard this blood curdling howl/scream come from the front of the truck. It lasted about 7 or 8 seconds then transitioned into another 7 or 8 seconds of jibberish!! We both popped up on our elbows, looked at each other and my friend said “what the hell is that” We both sprang out of our bags and scrambled to the front of the bed and leaned over the top of the cab as far as we could looking down the road for whatever made that sound...""

Hosted by Wes Germer
Directed by Wes Germer

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Sasquatch Chronicles acts as a safe-haven for witnesses to share their encounters. The show debuted in 2013 on the premise that the existing Bigfoot community was primarily focused on the research and opinion of “experts” while overlooking the value of giving witnesses a voice in the discussion. Bigfoot, also commonly referred to as Sasquatch.

#Sasquatch #Bigfoot #SasquatchChronicles #Survivorman #LesStroud


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