Roman Kemp - Our Silent Emergency

Описание к видео Roman Kemp - Our Silent Emergency

This film came out yesterday evening and the moment I began watching it, I knew I had to share it.

I have had one of my own mates take his own life, so I related intensely to this message of checking in with your mates as often as possible. I have also struggled immensely in the past with my own suicidal ideation and depression. This is one of the many reasons as to why I am involved in the many things I do today.

I have the great fortune of running a mens podcast called "Modern Maskulinity" designed to support mens mental health + mens personal development. I also support my fellow brothers in a private, safe FB group for men called "The Awakened Man."

For all the men watching this, how are you?

No, really. How are you?

I am here for you in any way I can be. As long as I have breathe in my body, you will never be alone. You are NOT less of a man for speaking up, for sharing, for asking help. All that makes you is a human being. Its okay to struggle. Its okay to have negative thoughts. Just always know that you have a space here or in the communities I mentioned above to feel supported, loved, and cared for.

We can do this together my brother. I love you mate.

Mens FB Group
  / theawakenedmen  

Mens Podcast

Please note that I take no ownership of this video and I am not affiliated with this video in any way. I am sharing it for the sole purpose of supporting mens mental health and the movement of suicide prevention.

Full Credit goes to Roman Kemp and BBC.


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