Comparative analysis Tecnis Symfony vs AcrySof Panoptix : clinical outcomes

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Comparative analysis Tecnis Symfony vs AcrySof Panoptix : clinical outcomes of extended depth of focus EDOF IOL vs multifocal trifocal IOL - real clinical and refractive outcomes.

Cataract eye surgery may treat presbyopia - a condition when you need reading glasses.

There is different IOL technologies available: multifocal trifocal technology and extended depth of focus technology IOL, or EDOF lenses.

The key difference is that EDOF provides uninterrupted vision, while any multifocal lens or trifocal IOL such as Alcon Panoptix has gaps in vision between focal points.
Drawback of EDOF is that at very close distance it is not performing as good as multifocal, however it provides no gaps natural vision and better neuroadoptation. More important EDOF gives better contrast and night time vision compared to multifocal.


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