9.2 Arcane | Mage Tower Challenge Completed in 36 Seconds!

Описание к видео 9.2 Arcane | Mage Tower Challenge Completed in 36 Seconds!

After Zero beat my last record with a 1 minute 7 second kill, I return with a speed kill of Sigryn in only 36 seconds! This time around I used a timewalking set modeled after his kill. I do still believe some optimizations can be made to get an even faster record :D

Here is the gear set: https://imgur.com/a/laftW01

Consumables: Superior Battle Potion of Intellect, Boralus Blood Sausage, Superior Wizard Oil, Veiled Augment Rune

You can watch Zero's previous world record here:    • World's Fastest Sigryn, 1:07 Arcane M...  

You can watch the first record attempt that kicked this speed run challenge off here:    • 9.1.5 Arcane | Mage Tower Challenge C...  

I stream my raid night Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8pm-11pm EST. Hope to see you there!

  / phosphoroswow  

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