Day In The Life of a Luthier

Описание к видео Day In The Life of a Luthier

The beginning of this video is weird.

What I wanted to say ultimately was that my day now isn't like my day used to be. I want to encourage more people into the industry, because the culture of horrendous working environments at the beginning, and causing people to drop out of what can be a wonderful life, will have to change if there is more accountability. It's a great job - tough at times as is every freelance job - but the common thing that is frustrating to me is when professional luthiers don't encourage new entrances. Of course there are many amazing colleagues who are the most inspiring and welcoming people ever, and this is something that is steadily growing - so this is your sign to give lutherie a go if you were considering it! I hope this makes sense. It's very hard for me to explain properly.

Also, by lord we need more women and minority backgrounds. It's worth it, and I recommend that if you liked the look of my day in this video, please give it a whirl!

In this video, I used and referred to:

Luthier Vice:

Marketing course:



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