Почему мы не худеем? Как можно похудеть? Валерий Жумадилов.

Описание к видео Почему мы не худеем? Как можно похудеть? Валерий Жумадилов.

Почему мы не худеем и как можно похудеть? Валерий Жумадилов.


The Ketogenic Diet by Lyle McDonald

Ссылки на исследования:

1. Ivy J. Muscle glycogen synthesis before and after exercise. Sports Medicine (1991) 11: 6-19.
2. Phinney SD et. al. The human metabolic response to chronic ketosis without caloric restriction: physical and biochemical adaptations. Metabolism (1983) 32: 757-768.
3. Phinney SD et. al. The human metabolic response to chronic ketosis without caloric restriction: preservation of submaximal exercise capacity with reduced carbohydrate oxidation.
Metabolism (1983) 32: 769-776.
4. Lemon PR and Mullin JP. Effect of initial muscle glycogen level on protein catabolism during
exercise. J Appl Physiol (1980) 48: 624-629.
5. Zachweija JJ et. al. Influence of muscle glycogen depletion on the rate of resynthesis. Med Sci
Sports Exerc (1991) 23: 44-48.
6. Price TB et. al. Human muscle glycogen resynthesis after exercise: insulin-dependent and -
independent phases. J Appl Physiol (1994) 76: 104-111.
7. Yan Z et. al. Effect of low glycogen on glycogen synthase during and after exercise. Acta
Physiol Scand (1992) 145: 345-352.

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