Half-Life: Alyx - Combine Charger (Heavy) Shield (short clip)

Описание к видео Half-Life: Alyx - Combine Charger (Heavy) Shield (short clip)

During normal gameplay, the Combine Charger will only activate his shield when getting low on health (he cannot fire his shotgun whilst doing so), and only for a few moments before deactivating it. However there are console commands that will cause the Charger to activate his shield permanently at any time until told otherwise.

I bound the two commands to keys so I could turn the shield on and off at will. I thought I'd do a short demo on the Charger in action, against some Armoured Headcrabs. Zombies and Antlions are able to attack through his shield, headcrabs however tend to circle him until they find an opening.

I have previously said I like the Charger design the least out of all the new Combine soldier variants, but that shield is seriously f-king cool, so I think I've found a new liking for the big guy. I think his shield is underutilized in the game; imagine trying to escape an ambush by other soldiers through a hallway, only to be blocked off and pushed back with the shield.


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