
Описание к видео Romans

In verse 28 Paul is speaking of the Trinity at work in our lives. But the translation of this verse has created great confusion among the majority of believers. This verse seemingly says that God is working all things, even the bad things for our good. And people take this to mean that God is doing or allowing bad things to happen in my life to teach me and grow me. But God doesn’t do bad things to us and He certainly doesn’t cause those bad things to happen in our lives. He is a good God who loves us. Now I believe that God will take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good, Gen 50:20. But that is far different than God causing “all things” including the bad things to happen in my life. The confusion of this translation has come from one Greek word... the word for “all.” And most translations translate this is as “all things.” But “things” isn’t in the original Greek. They have to add that in. Instead, I believe the word panta, πάντα, all, is referring to God, as in “the all of God,” not all things. Let me show you in the Greek.

The key word here is πάντα, meaning every or all. And this word has to be translated with context because "all" very rarely means "all". It is usually the "all" of what the writer is talking about and you have to use context to know "the all of what". In verse 27, Paul is speaking of the Trinity and their individual roles toward us. So context is clearly speaking of the Trinity. The Greek language is very precise. The word πάντα is an adjective, and the declension of an adjective always has to match the noun that it is modifying in person, number, and gender. The tricky thing about the word πάντα is this form can be one of three options, singular masculine accusative; plural nominative neuter; or plural accusative neuter. Most people translate this verse as a plural accusative neuter, this is why it is translated as "all things". And sometimes this word can stand alone, but the majority of the time, πάντα is in relation to a noun it is modifying in a sentence. And in the case of verse 28, πάντα follows directly after a singular masculine accusative noun, τὸν Θεὸν.

οἴδαμεν δὲ ὅτι τοῖς ἀγαπῶσι τὸν Θεὸν πάντα συνεργεῖ εἰς ἀγαθόν.

So in looking at the sentence in this light, and in relation to the context of the Trinity in verse 27, πάντα would be modifying τὸν Θεὸν, because τὸν Θεὸν is singular masculine accusative. In this case, you can translate this as:
And we know that to those loving God; the all (relating to God) He is working together unto good...

This changes everything about this verse. It tells us that the all of God, the Trinity is working on our behalf to bring salvation to completion in every believer.


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