ECI "Supine, Complicit, Terrified to Act Against PM, Three Election Commissioners a Disgrace"

Описание к видео ECI "Supine, Complicit, Terrified to Act Against PM, Three Election Commissioners a Disgrace"

Election Commission is "supine, complicit & terrified to act against PM"; present Commissioners have "brought dishonour and disgrace"; it's "completely let down the Constitution and the people of India": Ramachandra Guha


In a strong and stinging critique of the present Election Commission, the historian and public commentator Ramachandra Guha has said it is “supine, complicit and terrified to act against the PM”. He described its behaviour as “shocking, dismaying, depressing and disgraceful” adding “it shows an utter and complete abdication of constitutional duties”. Mr. Guha said that when a proper history of the Election Commission of India is written the present three Election Commissioners, who he named, will be remembered for the fact they “brought dishonour and disgrace to the Election Commission”. Mr. Guha added that the present Election Commission has “completely let down the Constitution” and “let down every one of us, it’s let down the people of India”.

In a 23-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire, Ramachandra Guha was talking about the Election Commission’s response to accusations of hate speech and hate-filled animated videos levelled against both the BJP and, more directly, the Prime Minister.

Mr. Guha said history will remember India’s Election Commissioners in four categories – those who brought glory and distinction, those who were reasonably competent, those who were just about alright and those who brought dishonour and disgrace. He said the present three Election Commissioners would fall into the fourth category.

I am only giving you the big headline points made by Mr. Guha. You need to see the interview to understand why he comes to these conclusions and what are the arguments he marshals and the analysis he presents. I strongly recommend you watch this interview.

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