The Hottest Programming Language is ENGLISH

Описание к видео The Hottest Programming Language is ENGLISH

In this video, I will show why English is the hottest programming language and how AI appears to be a game changer for programmers. AI, specifically prompt engineering has the potential to change the worth of learning programming languages.

I am going to discuss some shocking statements made by CEOs and scientists of big tech companies like Emad Mostaque who believes that there will be no programmers in five years. Whereas Jensen Huang argues over whether we should stop telling kids to learn to code.

By any chance if you are confused about whether to pursue your career as a programmer or not this video is definitely for you!

AI is definitely changing programming but remember to check this video on our channel about What's not going to change in 10 years:    • Master These 10 Things That Won't Cha...  

#EmadMostaque #prompt engineering #programming #LLMs #Opensourcemodel


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