Restoring the Sciences: Rethinking Climate Risk with Judith Curry

Описание к видео Restoring the Sciences: Rethinking Climate Risk with Judith Curry

Why do we have a “climate emergency”? Is it real? Or is it a fantasy?

Judith A. Curry, one of our nation’s most prominent climate scientists, takes a sober look at the risks posed by a changing climate, how we assess the risks, the uncertainties, and the likely damage from the determined push to make “climate” a “climate emergency.”

Join the National Association of Scholars on Friday, August 25, at 3 pm ET to discuss “Restoring the Sciences: Rethinking Climate Risk.”

This event will feature Judith A. Curry, Professor Emerita of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, author of Climate Uncertainty and Risk: Rethinking our Response, and President of the Climate Forecast Applications Network. Joining us as co-host for the webinar will be Kathryn Kelly, President of Delta Toxicology, Inc., and co-chair of the National Association of Scholars’ Nevada Chapter.


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