Radiant Nightmare King Grimm Challenge - No Jumping!

Описание к видео Radiant Nightmare King Grimm Challenge - No Jumping!

I had a challenge to do Grimm without jumping that sounded interesting (although Troupe Master Grimm was specified, I hope doing NKG instead isn't disappointing). This one posed a question of how to survive the flame bats and pufferfish phases. Originally I tried Shape of Unn to go under the flame bats, but ultimately settled on dashing then using descending dark for damage and iframes with the second bat. It is possible to not be hit by the second bat being close enough to Grimm (but I couldn't do it consistently) or to force Grimm to teleport and dash through the second set of bats once your shade dash refreshes.

Unfortunately, no amount of shade dashing would allow you to survive the pufferfish phase. I briefly tried positioning under NKG, but this was a dead end. The only thing that worked was descending dark. Which is why I'm not using nail/spell damage boosting charms - the idea was to build enough soul to ensure I can use descending dark as many times as needed to survive the pufferfish phases. If I did too much damage or used abyss shriek during the flame pillar attack I would enter the pufferfish phase with not enough soul.

All in all, this one was an interesting problem and fun to see it could be done.


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