Amazing technique for soft posterior polar cataract surgery

Описание к видео Amazing technique for soft posterior polar cataract surgery

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We have featured many videos about posterior polar cataracts and the techniques that can be used to successfully operate on these patients. The primary issue is that the posterior capsule is weak, fragile, or even absent at the site of the posterior polar opacity.

The key message is to avoid hydro-dissection since this can rupture the posterior capsule! We must perform only hydro-delineation.

If you have been learning from then you have already learned from many posterior polar cases. The techniques that we have featured before include:

visco-dissection in a softer nucleus
visco-dissection in a dense nucleus with a smaller pupil
visco-dissection by a resident surgeon still in training
nucleus bowl-out technique by a guest surgeon
hydo-delineation technique by a resident surgeon
an open central capsule with partial anterior vitrectomy
a posterior polar that was not discovered until the day of surgery


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