Intel's new tool can create chips so cutting-edge, they don't yet exist | The Story | April 18, 2024

Описание к видео Intel's new tool can create chips so cutting-edge, they don't yet exist | The Story | April 18, 2024

April 18 on The Story: We've talked at length about the federal CHIPS and Science Act and how that funding is helping to drive expansion of the semiconductor industry in Oregon. One of the biggest beneficiaries of that federal funding is Intel, a company that already has its largest footprint in the Silicon Forest. The Story's Pat Dooris recently got a look inside one of the company's Hillsboro "fabs," now home to a very expensive piece of cutting-edge machinery. This massive gadget is equipped to make the microchips of the future — ones so advanced, they're not being made just yet. For this campus, named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, it's a tribute to the influential concept that he coined, known as Moore's Law; the idea that the number of transistors on a single chip will double every two years with little increase in cost.

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