Announcement: New Multiple Sclerosis Research Communications Collaboration

Описание к видео Announcement: New Multiple Sclerosis Research Communications Collaboration

The MStranslate team is excited to announce that it has established a new science communication collaboration with the Cambridge Clinical Multiple Sclerosis Research Group, based at the University of Cambridge in England. Subscribers to this channel will know of this research group through the videos we have published with Dr Will Brown, discussing their work assessing the effectiveness of metformin and clemastine to promote remyelination in people living with multiple sclerosis. In this video, MStranslate co-founder, Brett Drummond, shares more details about this partnership, including how social media will be used to share the group's latest study insights, direct from the researchers themselves.

Start following the Cambridge Clinical Multiple Sclerosis Research Group on Facebook via the below link. A new YouTube channel for the group is also on its way, so stay tuned.


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