AngryBirds animated parody 1.5 (2012) 2015 Remastered

Описание к видео AngryBirds animated parody 1.5 (2012) 2015 Remastered


This is the original AngryBirds animated parody 2. It was made in 2012 but was left unpublished due to it's low quality and the lack of memory in the computer at that time. Now in 2015, (Happy New Years by the way!!) I looked back at it and said to myself "This is 2015! I can bring this back to life again!" and added the original sounds, the original voice tracks, and edited it all together with a better movie maker. The video was remastered in 2015, therefore this video was made in 2015 despite what YouTube says.

AngryBirds animated parody 1.5 can best be described as a mixture of the parody I made in 2011 and the parody I made in 2013. While it had the quality, the voices, and the goofy nature from the 2011 video, it had the idea and "bad-assness" from the 2013 video. All in all, it had the best of both videos!

As for AngryBirds animated parody 3, it's still under progress! Don't worry, It WILL come out and it will be the most BAD ASS parody I ever made within the past 4 years on YouTube! It will be all high-quality, have a new animation style, and will be in 16:9 and in HD! I'm using all these up-to-date animating programs and it's going to look like a f**king Star Wars movie! It's going to be awesome.

I thank you so much for subscribing me and I hope you enjoy this video!

Music is "The Return of Betamax" by Betamax Defender and Vinyl Kid

All characters belong to Rovio and the Rovio company. The video and animation belongs to sheenufilms.


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