Angomcha Bimol Akoijam, Lecture on ‘Archipelagic Memory: Unpacking a Nationalist Script’

Описание к видео Angomcha Bimol Akoijam, Lecture on ‘Archipelagic Memory: Unpacking a Nationalist Script’

Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
invites you to a lecture

Archipelagic Memory
Unpacking a Nationalist Script

by Angomcha Bimol Akoijam

Chair: Ravikant

Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 4 pm IST
The lecture will be held on Zoom
Meeting ID: 830 2388 0348
Passcode: csdsdelhi

As the Indian Republic marks the 75th Year of its independence, the Government of India decides to rename ‘Mt Harriet’ in the Andamans as ‘Mt Manipur’ to ‘honour’ the ‘freedom fighters’ from an erstwhile kingdom in the cusp between South Asia and South East Asia. This memorialization is rooted in recrafting history as nationalist script to reinforce territoriality and constitute nationalist subjects. The present paper unpacks this script in the light of a complex terrain in the past, involving an interplay between memories and histories with manifest political entanglements in the ‘unintegrated border’ of the post-colonial Indian State.

Angomcha Bimol Akoijam teaches at the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Earlier, he was with the University of Delhi and the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi. Besides being a scholar-activist, he is also a filmmaker and theatre enthusiast.

Ravikant is Associate Professor at the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.


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