2024 Schreiber Ambassador Aubrey Jacoby

Описание к видео 2024 Schreiber Ambassador Aubrey Jacoby

Meet Aubrey
Kind, Caring, Loving

Aubrey’s inspiring journey began at the age of three as a client at the Schreiber Center, diagnosed with both Treacher Collins syndrome and cerebral palsy. She has spent the last fifteen years engaging in speech, occupational, and physical therapies at Schreiber and has even attended Camp Schreiber during the summer months.

Under the guidance of Maria Viscosi, Aubrey triumphantly graduated from speech therapy, mastering the art of communication with her trach and excelling in the use of her AAC device. Currently, she attends physical and occupational therapy with PT Rachel D’Arcy and OT Makenzie Skiles, both of whom commend her outgoing and determined nature.

Despite enduring over 80 surgeries, Aubrey continues to conquer new goals, fostering a confidence that defines her. This year marks her high school graduation. Her goals and dreams for the future include living as independently as possible and pursuing a fulfilling career. Aubrey’s video editing skills have even earned her a summer internship in our fund development department this year.

“Aubs loves coming to Schreiber. She knows her therapists are going to help her get to where she needs to be by teaching her how to do things with them, and then on her own. Schreiber gives us hope.””

Aubrey’s grandmother, Dawn


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