DOTA 1x6: Alche-most Wanted (E) - Struggling Streamer 🤕

Описание к видео DOTA 1x6: Alche-most Wanted (E) - Struggling Streamer 🤕

Hi everyone, it's your comrade, cloudevyl. For today's video, we gonna be playing Dota 1x6 using Alchemist (E) again since we lost too many games trying the "useless" builds. Will we win this time? Let's find out in the video! 😆

Legendary Greevil's Greed now gives us recipes for random empowered items (up to 2). The first one when we collect unspent 4500 gold, the second recipe we will get it after completing the first recipe and collect 6000 unspent gold. The epics allow us to dig bounty from ground and get a random bonus from picking bounty runes. Each time we pick bounty rune, our attack speed increased and after 25 stacks, we get additional bonus damage. The last epic is restoring our 15% health when we take lethal damage and turning nearby enemies into invulnerable statues or 2 seconds.

Note: This video is recorded on Wednesday, 24th April 2024.

Hope you guys enjoy the video as much as I did.
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Thank you so much :)

дарова, как дела́?
меня зовут cloudevyl, я из Индонезии
я играю в дота 1x6 😁. Я говорю по-русски чуть-чуть
не забудьте подписаться на мой канал. спаси́бо огромное, друзья́!

Dota 1x6 is a custom game made by Xeno. It is like regular dota with upgrade. Each hero has unique abilities that can be upgraded by orbs (legendary, epic, rare, common). Orbs can be gained by farming creep waves (common), neutral creeps (rare), or heroes (epic). Each player can take up to 2 legendary orbs which are gained by killing bosses on wave 5 and 22 (5 & 18, if they take the epic upgrade for that). Each player has their base (tower and shrines) and if their tower got destroyed, they lose. If there are 2 players remaining, they will go to final duel, which is best 2 out of 3 rounds.

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00:00 Start
01:35 Already Packet Loss
02:23 Harras Me More, AM
02:42 Why You Do This?
02:51 What You Want? Malding
04:29 Bantering QoP
05:21 LeGothmog of Hell
06:32 29 Packet Loss. Icant
11:25 Legendary Recipe I
16:38 Empowered Octarine
20:38 Legendary Recipe II
22:04 Empowered Skadi
23:28 Tipping AM
33:07 Disaster
33:12 Self-Stun Bug At Mini Duel
37:16 May I Cut In?
37:30 Done With QoP
37:36 Malding. Icant
47:01 Hesitation Is Defeat
48:19 Second Legendary Lich
49:03 Choking
49:09 Attacked By NP
51:19 Spectating Final Duel
52:02 Orbs


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