Golden Tommy | ROBLOX Criminality

Описание к видео Golden Tommy | ROBLOX Criminality

A showcase for the golden tommy, unboxed somehow in 2,000 robux by me.

This was insane to unbox and is arguably one of the best guns in the game due to its insanely quick reload and the fact that it has like 0 recoil cause its a tommygun and apparently after testing does extra damage for some unknown reason (1 extra damage to head, idk if it was just weird rng or smth.)

This gun has a few abilities, quicker reload, lower recoil (presumably since it beams so well but its hard to aim cause of the smoke) and it does extra damage I think.

Basically it does 1 extra damage to head compared to a normal tommygun and does more damage overtime from our testing, note that THIS COULD JUST BE RNG BEING WEIRD WITH DAMAGE, NOT A DEFINITE ABILITY.

Overall, it was worth the 2,000 robux spent on this for SURE.


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