r/Maliciouscompliance Teacher: ARE YOU LISTENING? Student: I'm Deaf

Описание к видео r/Maliciouscompliance Teacher: ARE YOU LISTENING? Student: I'm Deaf

r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP is a hearing-impaired student in a music class with a stuck-up teacher. The battery in OP's hearing aid dies, so he raises his hand to ask his teacher for permission to go get more batteries. The teacher shuts him down, which means OP can't hear a single thing going on for the entire class. Eventually, the teacher hits him with "ARE YOU LISTENING?" and OP can honestly respond, "Nope!"

0:00 Intro
0:08 I'm deaf and the music teacher got very mad
5:12 Similar story with vision impaired student
5:31 Move the car or loose the spot
8:59 Troubles in the warehouse
13:27 You will regret questioning my productivity

👌 r/Maliciouscompliance Mom: "DON'T DISCIPLINE MY CHILD!" Babysitter: "lol ok"    • r/Maliciouscompliance Mom: "DON'T DIS...  


#reddit #maliciouscompliance #funnyredditposts
"Sneaky Snitch" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) License: CC By Attribution 3.0


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