Let's Play Siege of Dragonspear #80: Battling Through Avernus

Описание к видео Let's Play Siege of Dragonspear #80: Battling Through Avernus

This video was originally the first part of a much longer video which has been split in three for ease of viewing.

Avernus may be the first layer of the Nine Hells, but it's still an awful place to be. Even the most powerful and pure-hearted of heroes cannot hope to last long in this endless realm of devils. Our only hope for survival is to follow in the wake of Caelar's onslaught in the hopes that we can catch up with her and figure out how to close the portal connecting this place to the material plane.

It's only a matter of time before we find out why Caelar risked everything to get here. I highly doubt it was worth all the lives lost, presuming what she seeks is even possible. Let's just hope it's possible to shut the portal before a lot more people die.

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