The Eiger Experience - From 'Extacy Board' to 'Yellow Ocean' Wingsuitflight

Описание к видео The Eiger Experience - From 'Extacy Board' to 'Yellow Ocean' Wingsuitflight

I think this could be my longest Winsuitbase flight to date... 3min5s flight time! A bit boring to watch but if I could tell you what was going on in my head during this flight (and days) ... It´s a surreal feeling, jumping into that cold north face, leaving the exit at 3700m and flying down to the valley at 800m where it is about 30°C hotter in just about 3min ;)
I jumped in a Corvid2 this time, in 2020 it was the Corvid1. The flight was faster and less exhausting than last time. Expecially the second half felt much more under control although I started feeling my bodyweight ;) Generally the Corvid2 flies more efficient; that means less drag, higher speed, less tiring, better glide in the end... But also knowing what to expect helped a lot: don´t forget to breath ;) and use your energy wisely!
17.7.2022, 13:00. And yes, we called Air Glacier;)


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