I FINALLY BECAME “MASTER” Q _ Masters League in Ranked!

Описание к видео I FINALLY BECAME “MASTER” Q _ Masters League in Ranked!

I was on a nice win streak from the start of L3.
Then I thought the first game of this vid would be my promotion match so started to record.
Played pretty ok there but when I found out I had to win another I was a bit discouraged… I was already tired… and then…

I got carried in the actual promotion match 😅

When my teammate flashed Leon I was hesitant cuz I never play Leon but I thought someone will switch with me later so went along.
(Leon is ok in the meta so securing Leon is reasonable imo)

Then the last player picked Mortis so I was like…
‘Um.. I guess I have to stick to Leon?’
(I just haven’t played Mortis in centuries.. Probably my Mortis is even worse than my Leon 😭)

No surprise.. As expected my Leon was bronze level autoaim spam Leon…
Literally the worst game I played in the push. Just awful.. hahaha
But what was a surprise was that my random was that one in a million op carry machine Mortis! 😂
I was so lucky! I was really happy to get to Masters.

Anyway I played better in some other matches in the masters push so I’ll post them later too..
Don’t judge me with my Leon skills in the meantime! (Pretty please 🥹)


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