Gold Coast SUNS Theme Song - performed by Queensland Symphony Orchestra

Описание к видео Gold Coast SUNS Theme Song - performed by Queensland Symphony Orchestra

They are the anthems that stir the hearts of our sporting warriors and their fearless followers, the musical call to arms instantly recognised by the faithful – the anthems of our teams. Delight in Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s performance of the Gold Coast SUNS’ stirring team anthem.

The Gold Coast SUNS theme song was born when inaugural Chairman John Witheriff and club leaders were sharing Chinese takeaway and a few beers at the Wooli Surf Club in 2010. The group were listening to songs, trying to agree on one they liked. They came across Rosco Elliott’s theme song, and the trumpet fanfares immediately won them over. They got so into it, by the end of the night, they were singing along with it and the locals in the bar were singing along as well. The rest, as they say, is history.

Thank you to Nicholas Buc for arranging for orchestra and Stefanie Smith for conducting the Orchestra for our audio recording.

Music: Rosco Elliott

Queensland Symphony Orchestra
Facebook - QSOrchestra
Instagram - @QSOrchestra
Twitter - @QSOrchestra
Hastag - #qsorchestra

Gold Coast SUNS
Facebook - GoldCoastFC
Instagram - @gcsuns
Twitter - @Goldcoastsuns
Hashtag - #ChallengeAccepted


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