The Light Adjustable Lens: The Future of Cataract Surgery | Eric Donnenfeld, MD with OCLI VISION, NY

Описание к видео The Light Adjustable Lens: The Future of Cataract Surgery | Eric Donnenfeld, MD with OCLI VISION, NY

Dr. Eric Donnenfeld, from OCLI Vision introduces the latest breakthrough in intraocular lens implants - the light adjustable lens. This innovative technology allows doctors to adjust the patient's vision postoperatively, providing the highest level of patient satisfaction. The light adjustable lens is perfect for patients who have had previous LASIK, high astigmatism, or those who demand the best possible vision. Dr. Donnenfeld discusses the benefits of this lens and how it can help patients achieve perfect vision. If you're planning to undergo cataract surgery, consider the light adjustable lens for a lifetime of quality vision.

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