Tekken 7 - Devil Jin Combo Video - PS4 | DietyDevil

Описание к видео Tekken 7 - Devil Jin Combo Video - PS4 | DietyDevil

I prefer tag 2 devil Jin over this one, too many flaws, specially his rage drive which isn't fun using at all, rage art has no range, slow tailspin moves, I couldn't think of any idea using rage drive, if there is anyone who can make better Devil Jin, it would be my pleasure to watch, but nevertheless Mishima characters are always fun to play and watch!
Enjoy the video!
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Tekken 7 - Devil Jin Combo Act 1 | Dietydevil
Controller: Hori Rap3 and Rap5 Hayabusa
PS4 1080p Full HD 60FPS
Soundtrack : Rok Nardin - The Devil
Player: DietyDevil


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