Prepare Yerba Mate with a French press (quick and simple infusion method)

Описание к видео Prepare Yerba Mate with a French press (quick and simple infusion method)

Here's a quick tutorial on how to infuse yerba mate with a french press. A practical way to enjoy the benefits of this powerful plant! This is the most efficient method to infuse mate cocido (infused mate tea). In order to have a good experience, it's recommended to follow these steps.

-Yerba Mate (The amount depends on the size of gourd)
-Cool water
-Hot water

-French press

-Add 3 tablespoons of mate for every cup of water in your french press
-Moisten the mate with cool water in order to protect the nutrients
-Heat some water to +/-80 degrees (never use boiling water)
-Add some hot water in the french press and let infuse for up to 8 minutes
-Press and enjoy!
-Re-infuse the same mate up to 3 times

Find some more information on and shop organic, fair trade and unsmoked yerba mate from Argentina. Shipping the tastiest Yerba Mate all over Canada!



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