The Herald Watches

Описание к видео The Herald Watches

The Herald Watches

Inspired by Verdi’s “Dies Irae” and epic boss music such as FF7 “One-Winged Angel.” See below for the Latin text and translation. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to subscribe, like and comment my music!

You can follow me on twitter @NoirTres or on discord @tresnoir-6495

Art is used with permission by Leinad-2774 on discord, he is a baller so go tell him how good his art is!

Latin with translation:
Spem relinquunt qui ingredieris huc
Abandon hope those who enter here

Et finita est tempus misericordiae
And the time for mercy has past

Dum spiro spero
While I breathe I hope

Fata volentem ducunt, Fata nolentem trahunt
Destiny carries the willing man and drags the unwilling

Et alea iacta est
And the die is thrown

Et misericorda finivit
And mercy is finished

Magna rota vertitur et nunc venit,
The great wheel turns and he comes

Praeco Vigilias et misericordia est in termino Ah
The Herald Watches and mercy is finished

Omnes erunt violaceus
All will become violet


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