CppCon 2019: Matt Godbolt “Path Tracing Three Ways: A Study of C++ Style”

Описание к видео CppCon 2019: Matt Godbolt “Path Tracing Three Ways: A Study of C++ Style”


Discussion & Comments:   / cpp  

Presentation Slides, PDFs, Source Code and other presenter materials are available at: https://github.com/CppCon/CppCon2019

C++ is a multi-paradigm language allowing us as developers to pick and choose among a variety of styles: procedural, functional, object oriented, hybrids, and more. How does the style of programming we choose affect code clarity, testability, ease of changes, compile time and run-time performance?

In this talk Matt will show a toy path tracer project (a form of ray tracer) implemented in three different styles: traditional object oriented, functional, and data-oriented design. He'll then compare and contrast his experiences developing in each case, showing how often the compiler is able to reduce each style to similar performing code. There's certain to be some surprises - and of course some Compiler Explorer usage!

Matt Godbolt
Aquatic Capital Management, LLC
Development Engineer
Greater Chicago Area

Matt Godbolt is the creator of the Compiler Explorer website. He is passionate about writing efficient code. He has previously worked at a trading firm, on mobile apps at Google, run his own C++ tools company and spent more than a decade making console games. When he's not hacking on Compiler Explorer, Matt enjoys writing emulators for old 8-bit computer hardware.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films: http://www.BashFilms.com

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