HOMEMADE ELECTROLYTE POWDER | Citric Acid-Free, Acid Reflux-Friendly Electrolytes

Описание к видео HOMEMADE ELECTROLYTE POWDER | Citric Acid-Free, Acid Reflux-Friendly Electrolytes

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1/2 cup fine-grain sea salt
1/4 cup magnesium malate powder
1/2 cup potassium citrate powder
1/4 cup allulose sweetener
1/2 cup strawberry powder

Simply combine all ingredients in an air tight container. Note: add the desiccant packet from your potassium or another product if you can to prevent clumping. I did this and mine has not clumped despite living in a very humid environment

1/2 tsp serving contains (what I use!)
~294mg sodium
~168mg potassium
~75mg magnesium

1 tsp serving contains:
~589mg sodium
~337mg potassium
~150mg magnesium

ABOUT Molly: http://www.mollypelletier.com/
Molly Pelletier, Registered Dietitian
Leading Acid Reflux Dietitian
Specialized in digestive health, acid reflux/GERD, LPR, IBS, and weight management
Founder of FLORA Nutrition
BS + MS Nutrition Science, Boston University
Hello & welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

My Story.
When I was an undergrad nutrition student at Boston University, my digestive health issues were at their worst. I remember standing in the grocery store re-reading the label on a box of crackers, filled with overwhelm and confusion. I felt totally lost as to what to eat or how to eat due to my digestive issues. After dozens of doctor appointments, ER visits, and medical tests, my anxiety was at an all-time high and my list of “safe foods” was dwindling every day. When my doctors were at a loss for advice and my condition was not improving - I knew I needed to take my healing into my own hands.

When I finally realized that my mind and gut were connected - everything changed. I prioritized self-care and mindfulness practices in order to pull myself out of constant “fight or flight mode”. Instead of restricting, I started nourishing my gut and living my life again. Much to my surprise, my digestive system responded and began to heal. Through the power of individualized nutrition and lifestyle changes, my health (and my life) transformed.

Fast forward to today - I’m a Gut Health Registered Dietitian and recovered from severe IBS/GERD. My approach to nutrition counseling is rooted in science and built on the foundation that everyone has unique nutrition and lifestyle needs. It’s my mission (and greatest joy) to help you discover your root causes of imbalance, and share with you evidence-based, integrative wellness tools - so you too can heal your gut, repair your relationship with food, and live your absolute best life.

DISCLAIMER: Please remember this is my personal story and I am not advising anyone to take a supplement or change medication. ALWAYS talk to your doctor before taking a supplement or changing medication. I am simply sharing my experience :) This Channel and its Content are not to be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical advice or mental health advice. The information provided through our my content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read on this channel/website. Do NOT stop taking any medications without first speaking to your doctor or other health care professional. Always consult your doctor before changing or stopping your medication. This channel does NOT intend to provide health care, medical nutrition therapy services or attempt to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure in any manner any physical ailment or digestive disorder.


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