Whole Wheat Bread 🌾🍞

Описание к видео Whole Wheat Bread 🌾🍞

Here’s how you can make the easiest, crusty from the outside & pillowy soft from the inside Whole Wheat Bread at home ☺️

Ingredients :
Whole Wheat Flour / Atta - 2.5 Cups/ 315g
Water - 3/4th Cup/ 190g
Milk - 1/2 Cup/ 125g
Milk Powder - 1 Tbsp/ 9g
Salt - 1 Tsp/ 5g
Honey/ Sugar - 1 Tbsp
Instant Yeast - 1 Tsp/ 4g
Butter - 1.5 Tbsp/ 23g
Milk Wash
Sesame Seeds - Garnish
Pumpkin Seeds - Garnish

Process :
* To a mixing bowl, add lukewarm milk, honey, milk powder & instant yeast - give it a good stir & allow it to rest for 5 mins
* Once the yeast has bloomed/ activated - add in the whole wheat flour, salt, butter & 1/2 of the water - mix it in the bowl & transfer it to a clean, flat surface
* Knead the dough & continue adding the other 1/2 of the water in small batches
* After kneading for 8-10 minutes(you can do this in the stand mixer as well with a dough hook attachment)take a small portion of the dough & stretch it carefully using your fingers - if the dough holds it shape without tearing, your bread dough is well kneaded & ready to rest. If the dough tears, knead it for a few minutes and try this test again - this is known as the ‘Window Pane’ test
* Round the dough up & transfer it to a greased bowl, cover the bowl with a greased cling wrap & allow it to prove at a warm spot for atleast 45 mins to an hour/ until it doubles in size
* Once the dough has proved, de-flate it & shape it as shown in the video
* Transfer the shaped dough to a greased bread tin/ loaf tin, cover it & allow it to proof for another 45 mins to an hour/ until it doubles in size
* After the second prove, brush the top of the dough with some milk & sprinkle and with some sesame seeds & pumpkin seeds
* Bake in a pre-heated 180C for 22-25 mins
* Allow the bread to cool down completely before de-moulding it
* Slice & Enjoy 🍞🌾


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