Building Bushcraft Tipi in Heavy Snowfall to Survive a freezing Night | Winter Bushcraft

Описание к видео Building Bushcraft Tipi in Heavy Snowfall to Survive a freezing Night | Winter Bushcraft

It had been months since I'd built my Bushcraft Tipi. Finally returning, I found it completely buried in snow and tipped forward. Luckily, the structure remained stable and could be quickly restored. This time, I made some improvements. I brought along my stove because even though it had been cozy and warm last time, occasional gusts of cold wind had made their way through the open front of the Tipi. I decided to construct a door this time, aiming to retain the warmth inside and shield against the biting wind. However, the inclement weather and heavy snowfall made everything immensely challenging. Nonetheless, I managed to finish just before darkness set in.

Thanks for watching!


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