Poor baby mynu was tried by mom to heal his wound

Описание к видео Poor baby mynu was tried by mom to heal his wound

As you know in the previous episode, thanks to the help of Cutis and his father, Mynu and I have a more stable and comfortable spirit.The living environment here is quite good and I think Mynu will get better every day.I feel more secure when receiving this help.Mynu is also a little happier because he has another friend and brother like Cutis.Today I went to buy medicine for Mynu according to the doctor's instructions.I will prepare the best things for Mynu while here so that his wound can recover quickly.I hope that Mynu will not have to suffer any more pain now and in the future.I feel more sorry for Mynu for trying so hard and still letting her hand grow a tumor.I will try harder to help Mynu recover quickly and play innocently like other monkeys.


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