Gold Plating Machine Installation process | Gold Polish Machine | Gold Plating Setup | Gold

Описание к видео Gold Plating Machine Installation process | Gold Polish Machine | Gold Plating Setup | Gold

We manufacture and supply customised gold plating machines for our clients.

We have newly launched this special machine with 4 beakers and 3 Ltr chemical capacity.

This is "ALL IN ONE" electro plating machine.. You can do gold plating on Brass, Copper, Silver, Immitation Jewelry and Gold Ornaments etc.

It's simple , Cost Effective And gives Consistency in Quality with long lasting results.

Don't delay for it... Take quick decision and give boost to your business with our Machine setup 👍

Awaits for your reply ..!!

Anil Karotia
Founder & CEO
+91 76664 64851
Smart Tech Solutions, Mumbai
Email id : [email protected]
Website :


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