Kingdom Hearts III - Insomnia Mod, Versus XIII Tribute Trailer

Описание к видео Kingdom Hearts III - Insomnia Mod, Versus XIII Tribute Trailer

Hello! It's been a while since the last trailer, but I can finally show you what I've been working on in the past few months!

As you can see... Night time is here! I really wasn't sure if I'd be able to do this as most people in the modding community expected it to not be possible, but I'm pretty happy with what I managed to do, and I hope you will find it good too.

I started trying to set up a night scene because I really wanted to see the Versus XIII tower at night, and I managed to do the whole city like this, which was quite the challenge, but got us closer to that VS XIII vibe. I know a lot of people wanted night time.

Talking about the Versus XIII Tower, Caelum Via is indeed part of the mod! I already did show some of this when I was modeling it, but you can now see more of it in gameplay. It was really important for me to have this iconic location to be playable, and I am quite happy with the result.

There are also expanded areas so you can go from the citadel to Caelum Via without any loading transition.

If you can spot some frame drops in the trailer, it's related to my GPU (GTX 1080) struggling to keep up with the resolution for this trailer, but I have a steady 60fps in 1080p.

Now, I know that you might ask me how far along I am, if it's going to be finished soon etc, so I'll try to answer that:

- If we're only talking about the map itself (the 3D scene, in Blender), I would say that I am at maybe... 85% done? It depends on what I keep adding / expanding, but I think I'm kind of reaching my limit now and will most likely settle with the areas I set up so far, but improving their details, especially the borders of the map which still contain too much low res out of bounds details that I want to make look better for my expanded areas.

- This is actually a "test" scene in Unreal Engine, not the final one, and once I will have completely finished the city in Blender, I will make a new scene to re import everything from scratch into a new clean project. This might sound hardcore but it's the best way for optimizing the process. A lot of the work will be much faster when doing this though now that I know how I did all these things. Figuring out obstacles is really time consuming.

- After the final version of the map is finished and set up properly in Unreal Engine for the game, the map itself will be finished. If we're "only" talking about this, then I think I might be at around 80% completion. However, there are still a few things I would like to figure out, like how to implement the map directly into the game (like through gummi ship) without having to use a console command, have proper save points, set up combat encounters, better NPC behaviors, etc... Things to make the map feel more legit, but this might take a lot of time, depending if someone in the community is able to tell me how to do such things or not.

And... That's it. Sorry for the wall of text! If you have any more questions, ask in comments!

Other mods used in the trailer:

Special thanks to:

- Kizari for his work on Flagrum, FF XV Modding tool. None of this would have been possible without his work.
  / kizarixv

- Aproydtix for teaching me so many things with Unreal Engine and Kingdom Hearts III Modding.

- Sora101Ven for teaching me many things aswell when I started with all this.

- The OpenKH Discord community.

- Everyone following this project with passion.


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