THX Logo History

Описание к видео THX Logo History

Credit for all logos and captures belong to everyone who made them, no matter if they are the copyright owner, in which they are shown in this video. THX is a motion picture quality certification system (despite being branded as a "sound system" until 1997) founded by Tomlinson Holman and George Lucas in 1982 (in turn was then-owned by Lucasfilm Ltd. until 2002, when spun-off in its present day company - THX Ltd.), named after the first film Lucas directed,THX 1138. The first THX film was 1983's hit movie Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi. THX officially stands for "Tomlinson Holman's EXperiment". THX certifies fine-tuned home theater equipment, TiVo DVRs and some PCs. They have previously certified physical media such as VHS, LaserDisc, DVD and Blu-ray (and HD-DVD; Brave Story only) films from major studios, as well as video games. Previously owned by sound card manufacturer Creative Labs, THX was acquired by gaming peripheral manufacturer Razer (which acquired the developers of the Ouya game console) on October 17, 2016. (Info from the CLG Wiki)


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