Can I Stay Catholic After This?

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Last week, I addressed the latest controversy in the Church about the declaration Fiducia Supplicans – which if you’re looking for more reasons to become Catholic, we have the best names for things… but anyways, the declaration gave permission for priests to bless same sex couples, which as any reasonable person should have anticipated, has caused a lot of controversy, confusion, and division in the Church.

And as should also be expected, it has rattled the faith of many others. I saw more than a few comments from people saying, how can I remain Catholic or simply declaring that they’re leaving at this point. So, I wanted to address that concern and respond to the question about whether I intend to remain Catholic or why you should remain Catholic.

But before I do, I wanted to say a little more about the document in question because there have been some new developments and a lot has been said since I last addressed it here. Like, a LOT has been said. So, let’s say some more.

#fiduciasupplicans #samesexblessings #catholicLGBTQ

Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here:

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