[京都|Kyoto]"北野天満宮"を観光|学問の神様"菅原道真"を祀る日本三大天神|Kitano Tenmangu Shrine(Vlog)[4K]

Описание к видео [京都|Kyoto]"北野天満宮"を観光|学問の神様"菅原道真"を祀る日本三大天神|Kitano Tenmangu Shrine(Vlog)[4K]


In this video, we will be exploring Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. This shrine is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the deity of learning, and is considered one of the three major Tenjin shrines in Japan. Every year, many students and exam takers visit this shrine. The video also provides the route from Kitano Shirakawa-cho Station to the shrine. Enjoy a stroll through the historic and beautiful grounds of Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.

  / thekyoto_japan  


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