Better than Adventure: Minecraft Beta Persisting

Описание к видео Better than Adventure: Minecraft Beta Persisting

We've immersed ourselves in the depths of Minecraft's Golden Age and its community. We've heard the tale of one of the game's most controversial set of changes: The Adventure Update. Now, we examine how that update affected that community, through the lens of "Minecraft: Better than Adventure!"

Check out BTA! I promise, it's worth it.

Check out my Linktree for all things Bingus and perhaps even some Chondo!

Intro 00:00 - 00:39
Exposition 00:39 - 01:31
"Better than?" 01:31 - 04:42
"Adventure?" 04:42 - 06:37
"Better than Adventure!" 06:37 - 16:28
Conclusion 16:28 - 18:32
Outro 18:32 - 19:50

Absolutely massive shoutout to Ewan Howell for the Minecraft Title Generator used in the thumbnail!
   • Minecraft Title Generator - Make Any ...  

All music used is made originally, by me, for these videos. Thanks for listening!
And, thanks for watching.


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