Passover Cleaning TIPS! How to not get overwhelmed DOs & DON'Ts of Pesach. My friends Secrets

Описание к видео Passover Cleaning TIPS! How to not get overwhelmed DOs & DON'Ts of Pesach. My friends Secrets

Hi, I’m Leah, let's go over info for Passover Cleaning! How to not get overwhelmed DOs & DON'Ts of Pesach. Also cleaning Secrets from my friends. I’m a Jewish Orthodox mom and I like to share cooking, tapping more into the spiritual side of life of Judaism, and hopefully making our days more meaningful!

Questions for each step of the Seder, to ask around the table, to connect & make for all of you a meaningful Seder!

🌳PLANT A TREE IN ISRAEL for you or a loved one! We will plant a tree for you, $75 minimum for a tree. Then we will send a video to you of planting your tree!
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⭐️Instagram: @Jewgotit_
Tag me with any recipes you try to make or come to say hi!

Things I talk about: spirituality, secrets, passover cleaning, pesach cleaning, spring cleaning, dos donts, natural cleaning spray, matzah, laundry, Orthodox Jewish mom, inspiration, vlog, humor, fun in the kitchen, shabbat, kosher, jewish food, jewish recipes, kosher food, snacks, summer snacks, easy food cooking, being productive, being happy, jewish cooking, cooking show, healthy recipes, kosher food, easy recipes, Shabbat cooking, Shabbat preparations, meal prep, healthy recipes, fast recipes, kosher cooking, kosher recipes

   / @jewgotit  

🍎Comment on what's your favorite dish from your culture, I'd love to try it on this channel & mention you. SAY HI or if you're new introduce yourself with your name & where you are from.

⭐️ Email me for any reason or business inquiries: [email protected]

UPDATE He's fine and at home BH!
Please pray for Alexander David Dov Ben Nacha Rachel. Today Our Israeli-American neighbor was shot in head by an Arab terrorist near us while driving with his family. The bullet flickered off from his head to his arm, what a beyond miracle thank Gd. David also shot the terrorist. David is getting treated at the hospital now and doing okay BH and needs our heartfelt prayers, all the people of Israel need your prayers.


#jewish #passover #cleaning


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