How to Load and Prime a Grease Gun (new for 2023)

Описание к видео How to Load and Prime a Grease Gun (new for 2023)

In this comprehensive update to our most-viewed video, we'll guide you through the essential steps of loading and priming your grease gun. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, our step-by-step instructions will get you loaded and greasing quickly and easily. Say goodbye to messy mishaps and greasing frustration with our grease gun loading and priming tutorial!


00:00 Introduction
01:02 Loading The Grease Tube
02:35 Reassembly
04:25 Priming Basics
05:33 Troubleshooting
06:03 Tip #1 - Loosen The Barrel
06:50 Tip #2 - Air Bleeder Valves
08:15 Tip #3 - Follower Rod Pressure
09:32 Tip #4 - How much grease is left in my tube?


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